Kulturalni kršćani
Kulturalni kršćani su nereligiozne osobe (deisti, panteisti, agnostici, ateisti i sl.) koje se čvrsto drže kršćanske kulture i tradicije. Ova vrsta identifikacije može biti posljedica različitih čimbenika, kao što su obiteljska pozadina, osobna iskustva, društveno i kulturno okruženje u kojem su odrastali.[3]
Suprotni izrazi su "biblijski kršćanin",[4] "aktivni, prakticirajući kršćanin"[5] ili "vjerujući kršćanin".[6]
Rano suvremeno doba
urediDeisti iz 18. i početka 19. stoljeća, poput Napoleona i raznih očeva osnivača Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, smatraju se dijelom kršćanske kulture, usprkos njihovoj sumnji u božansku prirodu Isusa.[7][8][9][10][11]
Suvremena Europa
urediU 21. stoljeću, otvoreni britanski ateist Richard Dawkins u nekoliko intervjua naziva sebe "kulturalnim kršćaninom" i "kulturalnim anglikancem".[1][2][12][13]
Vidi još
uredi- ↑ a b Dawkins: I'm a cultural Christian. BBC News. 10. prosinca 2007. Pristupljeno 1. ožujka 2008.
- ↑ a b Q&A with Richard Dawkins: ‘I guess I’m a cultural Christian’. Charleston City Paper. 4. ožujka 2013. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 7. ožujka 2013. Pristupljeno 6. prosinca 2018.
- ↑ James D. Mallory, Stanley C. Baldwin, The kink and I: a psychiatrist's guide to untwisted living, 1973, p. 64
- ↑ Patrick Morley, The Man in the Mirror: Solving the 24 Problems Men Face (1997), Biblical Christian or Cultural Christian?
- ↑ Richard W. Rousseau, Christianity and Judaism: the deepening dialogue (1983), p. 112
- ↑ Postmodern theology: Christian faith in a pluralist world, Harper & Row, 1989 [1]. Joseph C. Aldrich, Life-style evangelism: crossing traditional boundaries to reach the unbelieving world, 1983 [2]
- ↑ Jayne, Allen. 2000. Jefferson's Declaration of Independence: Origins, Philosophy and Theology traces TJ's sources and emphasizes his incorporation of Deist theology into the Declaration.
- ↑ Franklin, Benjamin. 1958. [1771] Autobiography and other writings. Riverside. Cambridge. str. 52 CS1 održavanje: nepreporučeni parametar - origyear (pomoć)
- ↑ Olson, Roger. 19. listopada 2009. The Mosaic of Christian Belief: Twenty Centuries of Unity and Diversity. InterVarsity Press.
Other Deists and natural religionists who considered themselves Christians in some sense of the word included Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin.
- ↑ Boller, Paul F. 1996. Not so!: popular myths about America from Columbus to Clinton. str. 31
- ↑ Boller, Paul F. 1963. George Washington & religion. Google Books. str. 16. Pristupljeno 5. ožujka 2011..
...the father of his country... died as he had lived, in dignity and peace; but he left behind him not one word to warrant the belief that he was other than a sincere deist
- ↑ Richard Dawkins: I Guess I'm a Cultural Christian. Christian Post. 4. ožujka 2013. Pristupljeno 5. ožujka 2013.
- ↑ Richard Dawkins calls himself a Cultural Christian!. YouTube. Retrieved on 2009-04-07.