Embecovirus je subgenus koronavirusa u rodu Betacoronavirus. Virusi u ovom podgenusu, za razliku od drugih koronavirusa, imaju gen za hemaglutinin esterazu (HE). Virusi u subgenusu prethodno su bili poznati kao koronavirusi grupe 2a.[1][2]



Virusi ovog podgene, kao i drugi koronavirusi, imaju omotnicu lipidnog dvosloja u kojoj su usidreni strukturni proteini membrane (M), ovojnice (E) i šiljka (S). Za razliku od drugih koronavirusa, virusi u ovom podgenusu također imaju dodatni kraći strukturni protein sličan šiljaku koji se zove hemaglutinin esteraza (HE).[3][4]

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  1. Woo, Patrick C. Y.; Wang, Ming; Lau, Susanna K. P.; Xu, Huifang; Poon, Rosana W. S.; Guo, Rongtong; Wong, Beatrice H. L.; Gao, Kai; Tsoi, Hoi-wah; Huang, Yi; Li, Kenneth S. M. Veljača 2007. Comparative Analysis of Twelve Genomes of Three Novel Group 2c and Group 2d Coronaviruses Reveals Unique Group and Subgroup Features. Journal of Virology. 81 (4): 1574–1585. doi:10.1128/JVI.02182-06. ISSN 0022-538X. PMC 1797546. PMID 17121802. See figure 2.
  2. Wong, Antonio C. P.; Li, Xin; Lau, Susanna K. P.; Woo, Patrick C. Y. 20. veljače 2019. Global Epidemiology of Bat Coronaviruses. Viruses. 11 (2): 174. doi:10.3390/v11020174. ISSN 1999-4915. PMC 6409556. PMID 30791586. CoVs are classified into four genera, Alphacoronavirus, Betacoronavirus, Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus. Within Betacoronavirus, they can be further subclassified into lineages A, B, C and D [1]. In 2018, these four lineages were reclassified as subgenera of Betacoronavirus, and renamed as Embecovirus (previous lineage A), Sarbecovirus (previous lineage B), Merbecovirus (previous lineage C) and Nobecovirus (previous lineage D) [2]. In addition, a fifth subgenus, Hibecovirus, was also included (Figure 1) [2].
  3. Woo, Patrick C. Y.; Huang, Yi; Lau, Susanna K. P.; Yuen, Kwok-Yung. 24. kolovoza 2010. Coronavirus Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis. Viruses. 2 (8): 1804–1820. doi:10.3390/v2081803. ISSN 1999-4915. PMC 3185738. PMID 21994708. In all members of Betacoronavirus subgroup A, a haemagglutinin esterase (HE) gene, which encodes a glycoprotein with neuraminate O-acetyl-esterase activity and the active site FGDS, is present downstream to ORF1ab and upstream to S gene (Figure 1).
  4. Woo, Patrick C. Y.; Huang, Yi; Lau, Susanna K. P.; Yuen, Kwok-Yung. 24. kolovoza 2010. Coronavirus Genomics and Bioinformatics Analysis. Viruses. 2 (8): 1804–1820. doi:10.3390/v2081803. ISSN 1999-4915. PMC 3185738. PMID 21994708. The presence of HE genes exclusively in members of Betacoronavirus subgroup A, but not members of Betacoronavirus subgroup B, C and D suggested that the recombination had probably occurred in the ancestor of members of Betacoronavirus subgroup A, after diverging from the ancestor of other subgroups of Betacoronavirus.