OpisSaba senegalensis - ripe fruit pulp halves.jpg
English: One ripe fruit from the Saba senegalensis tree with the interior yellow fruit pulp removed in its entirety, then pulled apart in its two halves showing its center and the multiple sections before pulling them apart. The skin of the fruit is thick and quite flexible,about .8 cm thick, with a bit of oozing and stickiness where cut. For scale: the fruit shown, somewhat average in size, was 9.5 cm in diameter, height about 10 cm. The sections contain one seed per section. A very, very tart fruit pulp, usually boiled first without extracting the seeds, with added sugar before eating, the seeds are not eaten. Called 'madd' in Senegal (also spelled as 'mad' - names vary between languages). This fruit shown had 35 fruit pulp sections, one seed per fruit pulp section for 35 seeds in total. The hard, whitish seeds (not shown here) average about 2 cm in length.
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