Cruising with Ruben & the Jets

Cruising with Ruben & the Jets album je Frank Zappe i sastava The Mothers of Invention koji izlazi u listopadu 1968.g.

Cruising with Ruben & the Jets
The Mothers of Invention (studijski album)
Objavljenlistopad 1968.g.
Snimanjeprosinac 1967. - veljača 1968.
Trajanje40 min : 34 sek
Producent(i)Frank Zappa
Kronologija albuma – The Mothers of Invention
Lumpy Gravy
Cruising with Ruben & the Jets

Na njemu Zappa i The Mothersi istodobno stvaraju parodiju i odaju priznanje doo-wop stilu glazbe. Na albumu se nalazi trinaest pjesama, a njihov producent je Frank Zappa.

Popis pjesama

  1. "Cheap Thrills" (Zappa) – 2:39
  2. "Love of My Life" (Collins, Zappa) – 3:08
  3. "How Could I Be Such a Fool?" (Zappa) – 3:34
  4. "Deseri" (Buff, Collins) – 2:08
  5. "I'm Not Satisfied" (Zappa) – 4:08
  6. "Jelly Roll Gum Drop" (Zappa) – 2:24
  7. "Anything" (Collins) – 3:05
  8. "Later That Night" (Zappa) – 3:00
  9. "You Didn't Try to Call Me" (Zappa) – 3:57
  10. "Fountain of Love" (Collins, Zappa) – 3:22
  11. "No. No. No." (Zappa) – 2:15
  12. "Any Way the Wind Blows" (Zappa) – 3:01
  13. "Stuff Up the Cracks" (Zappa) – 4:36

Popis izvođača
